- Pixelmator replace background color free

- Pixelmator replace background color free

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Pixelmator replace background color free.Replace the color of objects


Luckily, Pixelmator Pro has just the tool for /12919.txt job — the Smart Erase tool. The Smart Erase tool is best used for solid color backgrounds and the web is full of images of objects on backgrounds, most often white backgrounds.

Open the image in Pixelmator Pro. The Smart Erase tool is grouped together with the Erase tool. To select it, click the Erase tool once, then click it again to expand replave group. You can also choose the Smart Erase tool from the Tools menu.

The Opacity slider lets you adjust the transparency of the tool. Sample All Layers makes the Smart Erase tool take into account every layer in your composition.

With Smooth Edges turned on, pixelmator replace background color free edges of the erased areas are smoothed to make the object blend in more naturally in other images. Leave this option on. Opacity Adjusts the transparency of the Smart Erase tool.

Pixelmator replace background color free lower settings, pixelmator replace background color free become only partially transparent. Sample All Layers With this option selected, the Smart Erase tool takes into account every single layer in pixelmator replace background color free image, although it erases backgroun the selected layer. Smooth Edges Naturally smooths the edges of erased areas.

Turning this option off erases edge pixels eeplace, resulting in a little more precision but a with jagged look. The Tolerance label shows you how much of any similar colors the Smart Erase tool will erase.

After removing the main background, make sure to remember to remove any parts of it inside objects by following the same steps. Now, you can combine the object with another image.

Try out these steps and, if you have any questions, make sure to ask below! Pixelmator Pro Tutorials. Home Quick Start Guide. Resources Comments.


- Remove Background - Pixelmator Pro Tutorials

  There is a newer version of this tutorial designed for Pixelmator Pro. You can find it here. Replace a Color. Easy way to replace one color with another and. Remove a background from an image and replace it with another with these fun and easy-to-use Pixelmator tools. Replacing the background of a photo with another image is incredibly quick and easy using Pixelmator Pro and you can do it in just a few steps!    


Pixelmator replace background color free.Master Pixelmator Pro with our collection of free tutorials.


You can replace a color in a single layer or, using a color adjustments layer, multiple pixelmator replace background color free in a composition. In the Show or Hide Tools from the View menu at the top of your screen. See Interface overview to learn more backgeound the Tools sidebar. Press A on your keyboard and turn on the Replace Color adjustment. To replace a color in multiple layers in a composition using a color adjustments layer all layers below this layer will be affected :.

Note: If the adjustment isn't visible, you can turn it on from the Customize menu at the bottom of the Color Adjustments pane. Drag the Range slider to adjust how many of the colors similar to your selected color should be replaced. Pixelmator Pro User Guide. Quick Links What's new? Pixelmator Pro basics. Create, open, and save images. Working with layers. Pixelmator Pro backgrund shortcuts. Table смотрите подробнее Contents.

Replace one color in an image with another Dree the Replace Color adjustment to replace any color in your image baciground any other. Replace one color in an image with another You pixelmator replace background color free replace a color in a single layer or, using a color adjustments layer, multiple layers in a composition. Click at the top of the Layers sidebar, choose Color Adjustments, and turn on the Replace Color adjustment. Drag the Intensity slider to adjust how pixelmator replace background color free the new color should blend with the old color.

Previous Rellace the tonal curve of an image. Next Manually convert a color image to black and white.


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